Actions: [2] SHPAC/SFC-SHPAC [9] DP-SFC [11] DP/a [13] PASSED/S (26-14) [14] HENRC/HAFC-HENRC
Scheduled: 03-13 08:30 am Rm 317
Senate Bill 83 (SB 83) creates the Innovation in State Government Fund for state agencies to create master plans and increase agency capacity to implement climate change policy. It makes a transfer from the General Fund to the Innovation in State Government Fund. SB 83 makes appropriations from the Innovation in State Government Fund.Legislation Overview:
Senate Bill 83 (SB 83) creates the nonreverting Innovation in State Government Fund for state agencies to create master plans and increase agency capacity to implement climate change policy and provide technical support for those seeking grants and other funding to address climate change. It establishes reporting requirements and budget requests for agencies receiving money from the Innovation Fund by 30 June of each year including certain justifications when an agency wants to expand or change the purpose of the appropriation. SB 83 has definitions for greenhouse gas; net-zero emissions; and sustainable economic policies. It transfers ten million dollars from the General Fund to the Innovation in State Government Fund. SB 83 appropriates the following from the Innovation in State Government Fund: •Two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) in Fiscal Years (FY) 2026 and 2027 to the following agencies: the NM Department of the Environment (NMED) and the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD); •One million ($1,000,000) in Fiscal Years (FY) 2026 and 2027 to the following agencies: the Department of Transportation (DOT); the Economic Development Department (EDD); the workforce solutions department (WSD); the public regulation commission (PRC); and the State Land Office (SLO). Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining for any one of the appropriations at the end of FY 2027 reverts to the GF.Amendments:
2/28/25 The Senate Finance Committee (SFC) amended SB 83 (SB 83A SFC) by removing the transfer of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) from the General Fund (GF) to the Innovation in State Government Fund and the two legislative appropriations totaling three million five hundred thousand dollars ($3,500,000) to the Innovation Fund.