Scheduled: Not Scheduled
House Bill 286 (HB 286) appropriates eighty-five million dollars ($85,000,000) to the Department of Transportation for the east-west corridor transportation infrastructure project on Los Lunas Boulevard in Valencia County.Legislation Overview:
House Bill 286 (HB 286) appropriates eighty-five million dollars ($85,000,000) from the General Fund (GF) to Department of Transportation for expenditure for Fiscal Years (FY) 2025 through 2027 for the east-west corridor transportation infrastructure project including acquisition of rights of way, planning, design and construction, and matching funds, on Los Lunas Boulevard in Valencia County. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY 2027 reverts to the GF.Current Law:
One of the Village of Los Luna’s top priorities is a new I-25 Interchange (with a new east-west arterial and river crossing) that would actually serve most of Valencia County. Los Lunas has experienced heavy commuter traffic and this interchange will relieve congestion caused by traffic, railway crossings, and construction. The Village has been very proactive in addressing this problem and has spent several million dollars over the last decade as the local lead on approximately eight different projects in an attempt to upgrade NMDOT intersection facilities on NM 6 in an effort to alleviate congestion and safety concerns. The Village of Los Lunas recently secured the remaining $45 million dollars needed to begin phase one construction of the much anticipated I-25 corridor and bridge project.