Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Rodney "Rod" D Montoya


Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 House Bill 283 (HB 283) provides for nonpartisan administrative assistance and policy support for legislators in regional offices, and appropriates $6,000,000 from the General Fund to the Legislative Council Service. 
Legislation Overview:
 House Bill 283 (HB 283) provides for legislator administrative assistance and policy support. HB 283 tasks the Legislative Council Service (LCS) with overseeing the hiring of up to 30 year-round, full-time legislative support personnel. The personnel are to provide nonpartisan administrative assistance and policy support to legislators, and cannot take part in community engagement or partisan activities. 

Assistants are assigned to one of 12 regional offices, as established by LCS.  Although the assistant is employed by and reports to the LCS, a legislator may participate in the interviewing and selection process for personnel assigned to their regional office. 

The bill allows each legislator to utilize 10 hours per week of the assistant assigned to their regional office. 

The bill appropriates $6,000,000 from the General Fund to LCS for use in Fiscal Year 2025 for the personnel, including salaries, benefits, equipment, furniture, and office space. Unspent funds revert to the General Fund.