Actions: [4] HEC/HAFC-HEC
Scheduled: Not Scheduled
House Bill 272 (HB 272) enacts the Trade Education Assistance Act and creates the Trade Education Assistance Fund. HB 272 makes an appropriation.Legislation Overview:
House Bill 272 enacts the Trade Education Assistance Act and creates the Trade Education Assistance Fund. SECTION 1 provides that this act may be cited as the Trade Education Assistance Act (Act). SECTION 2 provides Definitions as used in the Act SECTION 3 provides Stipends. A. An individual may be awarded a stipend pursuant to the Act if the individual meets the requirements specified in this subsection. B. Stipends shall be awarded for periods no longer than six months. Stipends may be renewed for not longer than a total of two years. C. A stipend may be terminated if a recipient fails to satisfactorily participate in a trade education program approved by the department. D. Stipends may be used by recipients for living expenses incurred while participating in a trade education program approved by the department. E. Stipends shall not exceed $30,000 per calendar year. SECTION 4 adds Department Duties, Rulemaking Authority and requires Reporting. A. The department shall administer the Act and shall award stipends to individuals the department certifies as participating in a trade education program as approved by the department. B. The department shall promulgate rules as necessary to implement the Act. C. The department shall report by November 1 of each year to the Legislative Finance Committee and the Department of Finance and Administration the data specified in this subsection. SECTION 5 creates the Trade Education Assistance Fund (Fund). The Fund is created as a nonreverting fund in the state treasury. The Fund consists of the usual funding sources. The department shall administer the Fund, and money in the Fund is appropriated to the department to implement the provisions of the Act. Disbursements shall be made in the usual way. SECTION 6 appropriates $100,000,000 from the General Fund to the Fund for expenditure in Fiscal Year 2026 and subsequent fiscal years for the purpose of implementing the provisions of the Act. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of a fiscal year shall not revert to the General Fund. SECTION 7 makes the effective date July 1, 2025.