Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Meredith Dixon

Actions: [3] not prntd-HRC [4] w/drn-prntd-ref- HTPWC/HAFC-HTPWC [6] DP/a-HAFC [9] DP [12] PASSED/H (65-0) [7] SFC-SFC [10] DP [13] PASSED/S (36-0) SGND BY GOV (Feb. 28) Ch. 10.

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 House Bill 232 (HB 232) creates the Infrastructure Planning and Development Division (IPDD) of the Department of Finance and Administration (DFA); reorganizes the local government division of the DFA; transfers functions, personnel, appropriations, money, property, contractual obligations, and statutory references. 
Legislation Overview:
 House Bill 232 (HB 232) amends Section 9-6-3 NMSA 1978 to create the Infrastructure Planning and Development Division (IPDD) of the Department of Finance and Administration (DFA).

A new section of the DFA Act, Section 9-6-20 NMSA 1978, is enacted to include the following within the IPDD:

•	local government infrastructure capital improvements planning of the local government division;
•	the federal matching fund of the local government division; 
•	the rural equity ombud program of the local government division; and 
•	other short- or long-term programs and funds of other divisions of the DFA

In addition to other duties that may be assigned, the IPDD will:

•	provide assistance to local governments, councils of governments and tribal governments in identifying and accessing funding for infrastructure development from public and private sources and in administering funding to complete capital projects; 
•	receive, review and evaluate capital project plans proposed by local governments, councils of government and tribal governments and provide advice on the plans; and 
•	coordinate with the federal grants bureau to leverage state dollars for federal infrastructure grants and to identify federal funding opportunities for state and local projects and track the pursuit and receipt of those federal grants; and
•	administer community development block grants.

Appropriate functions, personnel, appropriations, money, property, contractual obligations, and statutory references are transferred to the IPDD, and some stylistic changes are made for consistency.
Current Law:
 If the bill does not pass, the local government division of the DFA will not be reorganized, the IPDD will not be created, and transfers of functions, personnel, appropriations, money, property, contractual obligations, and statutory references will not be carried out. The goals stated for the IPDD would have to be addressed through existing or alternative means. 
 Amended January 28, 2024 in the House Transportation, Public Works and Capital Improvements Committee

HTPWCa/HB 232: House Bill 232 (HB 232) is amended as follows:

1. On page 1, line 13, after the semicolon, strike the remainder of the line, strike line 14 and strike line 15 through the semicolon. 
2. On page 1, line 16, after "property", strike the comma and insert in lieu thereof "AND". 
3. On page 1, lines 16 and 17, strike "AND STATUTORY REFERENCES". 
4. On page 7, strike lines 20 and 21. 
5. Renumber the succeeding paragraphs accordingly. 
6. On pages 8 and 9, strike Section 6 in its entirety. 
7. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly. 
8. On page 9, line 6, strike "TRANSFERS" and insert in lieu thereof "TRANSFER". 
9. On page 9, line 7, after "The", strike the remainder of the line and strike lines 8 through 15. .227688.1 HB 232 Page 2 10. On page 9, line 17, after "administration", insert ", including its functions, personnel, appropriations, money, records and other property,".
Relates To:
 Senate Bill 43 (SB 43), Enacting Public Easements for Broadband Act
Senate Bill 45 (SB 45), Broadband Infrastructure
Senate Joint Memorial 1 (SJM 1), Support National Infrastructure Bank
Senate Bill 49 (SB 49), Rural Infrastructure Response Act