Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Cathrynn N Brown


Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 House Bill 238 (HB 238) provides that the Department of Transportation and Eddy County may enter into a joint powers agreement. It appropriates thirty million dollars.
Legislation Overview:
 House Bill 238 (HB 238) provides that the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Eddy County may enter into a joint powers agreement (JPA) for road construction, reconstruction or maintenance of state roads, including acquisition of rights of way, planning and design on NM Highway 31 from its intersection with US Highway 285 east to its intersection with NM Highway 128.
It appropriates thirty million dollars.($30,000,000) from the General Fund (GF) to the DOT for expenditure Fiscal Years (FY) 2025 through FY 2027 for such a JPA concerning road construction, reconstruction and maintenance.

Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY 2027 reverts to the GF. 
Current Law:
 According to DOT website, both NM 31 and NM 128 traverse Bureau of Land Management, State Land Office, and private lands, mainly serving the oil and gas industry. Initial evaluations have determined that the highways need pavement improvements, additional lanes and shoulders, passing lanes, sight distance/vertical alignment improvements, and drainage improvements. The study phase documents the existing conditions, identify traffic and safety areas of concern, investigate sensitive cultural and biological resources, seek public and agency feedback, identify improvement alternatives and arrive at a recommended improvement alternative. The study will also create a priority implementation plan consisting of a phased approach to delivering all the improvements, should funding levels require multiple construction contracts. 
Relates To:
 HB 238 relates to HB 231