Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Sen Ron Griggs

Actions: [2] SRC/SJC-SRC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 Senate Joint Resolution 13 (SJR 13) proposes to amend the constitution of New Mexico to provide for voting requirements for policymaking and advisory bodies created by statute. 
Legislation Overview:
 Senate Joint Resolution 13 (SJR 13) proposes to amend the constitution of New Mexico by adding a new section requiring that whenever nonlegislative or nonjudicial policymaking or advisory bodies created by statute consider motions, a favorable vote of a majority, or of a greater percentage as provided by law, policy or rule of the total number of the voting members, will be required to approve the motion. 

The amendment proposed by this resolution is to be submitted to the people for their approval or rejection at the next general election or at any special election prior to that date that may be called for that purpose.
Current Law:
 There is currently no specific mandate within the constitution regarding majority votes for this category of policymaking/advisory body, nor any reference to a required percentage of votes by the membership. If the bill does not pass, the constitution will need to continue to be interpreted as it exists.