Actions: [2] SCC/SHPAC/SFC-SCC [3]germane-SHPAC [4] DP-SFC
Scheduled: Not Scheduled
SB166 creates the Homelessness Reduction Division with in the Health Care Authority Department. A one millioin dollar appropriation is requested to support a task force and an advisory council.Legislation Overview:
Synopsis: SB 166 relates to state government by modification of the section of the Health Caree Authority Department Act by creating the Homelessness Reduction Division and by establishing the Interagency Homelessness Reduction Division Taskforce, and the Homelessness Reduction Advisory Council. Also, an appropriation is made. Analysis: SB166 by modification of the section of the Health Care Authority Department Act by creating the Homelessness Reduction Division and by establishing the Interagency Homelessness Reduction Division Taskforce, and the Homelessness Reduction Advisory Council. Also, an appropriation is made of one million dollars ($1,000,000) is made for operation of the new Division and it various Task Forces, A new Division would be added by SB166 to the eleven Divisions currently under the Health Care Authority Department. The Homelessness Reduction Division is a new Division with a director who is to lead the state’s efforts related to homelessness prevention. The director is to provide policy recommendations and serve as a spokesperson for homelessness prevention. Other responsibilities include developing a state plan for homelessness prevention, improving health outcomes for the homeless, and strengthening the safety net for the homeless. In addition, a statewide data system is to be developed titled the Homeless Data Integration System while specifying the form and substance of the required data. Also, the director is to identify resources, benefits and resources that will prevent homelessness, serve as an advocate for homelessness, while collaborating with local organizations with local plans to end homelessness. A new Task Force entitled the Interagency Homelessness Reduction Task Force is created in SB 166 with a very broad membership of multiple Department Secretaries or their designees. Members of the Task Force include: (1) the Director of the Homelessness Reduction Division of the Department; (2) the Executive Director of the New Mexico Finance Authority or the Executive Director's designee; (3) the Secretary of Economic Development or the Secretary's designee; (4) the Secretary of Finance and Administration or the Secretary's designee; (5) the Secretary of Public Education or the Secretary's designee; (6) the Secretary of Higher Education or the Secretary's designee; (7) the Secretary of Indian Affairs or the Secretary's designee; (8) the Secretary of Workforce Solutions or the Secretary's designee; (9) the Secretary of Corrections or the Secretary's designee; (10) the Secretary of Veterans' Services or the Secretary's designee; (11) the Secretary of Children, Youth and Families or the Secretary's designee; (12) the Secretary of Early Childhood Education and Care or the Secretary's designee; (13) the Secretary of Aging and Long-Term Services or the Secretary's designee; (14) the Secretary of Public Safety or the Secretary's designee; (15) the Secretary of Health or the Secretary's designee; and (16) the Chair of the Homelessness Reduction Advisory Council. The Chair of the Task Force shall be the Director of the Homelessness Reduction Division or the Director's designee, and the vice Chair of the Task Force shall be the member serving as the Chair of the Homelessness Reduction Advisory Council. The Task Force shall meet at the call of the Chair. The Task Force will advise the Division regarding the reduction of homelessness, as well as, policy, regulatory, and resource changes that will lead to accomplishing the goals of the Division. On or before October 1, 2024, and each year thereafter, the Task Force shall submit a report to the governor, the appropriate interim legislative committee, the legislative finance committee and the homelessness reduction Division regarding: (1) the Task Force's work during the prior fiscal year; (2) recommendations developed by the Task Force and those made by the Homelessness Reduction Advisory Council regarding implementation of the statewide strategic homelessness reduction plan and initiatives, and key outcomes and initiatives. The, Homelessness Reduction Advisory Council is created and is administratively attached to the Department. The Advisory Council shall advise and make recommendations to the Interagency Homelessness Reduction Task Force and the Director of the Homelessness Reduction Division of the Department. Members of the Advisory Council will consist of: (1) three members with lived experience of homelessness or housing insecurity, which may include formerly incarcerated persons, veterans and individuals sixteen to twenty-five years of age; (2) one member representing individuals with disabilities; (3) two members representing the philanthropic private-funding sector; (4) one member representing a statewide behavioral health advocacy organization; (5) one member representing a statewide housing advocacy organization; (6) two members representing local continuums of care organizations; (7) three members representing regional or local units of government; (8) one member representing an organization that supports victims of domestic violence; and (9) four members representing providers of the homeless response system, including emergency supportive housing, rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, homeless youth programs and homelessness prevention. The Chair of the council will be elected by the members of the council. The Department will provide administrative support to the council. Finally, an appropriation of one million dollars ($1,000,000) is made to support the Department, the Division, the Task Force and the Advisory Council. The effective date of this Act is Julu 1, 2024