Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Sen Gregg William Schmedes

Actions: [2] SCC/SRC/SJC-SCC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 Senate Bill 157 (SB 157) relates to elections and prohibits the sharing of early and absentee voter information while an election is underway.  
Legislation Overview:
 Senate Bill 157 (SB 157) amends sections of the Election Code to prohibit the sharing of early and absentee voting information while an election is underway.  This includes information regarding a voter’s request for, return of, or status of an absentee ballot or early vote.  

The bill provides that a ballot register is a public record only once the election is over.  

Candidates, political committees or the chair of a political party can obtain a copy of entries made in the absentee ballot register, but the names and address of the voters will not be included in the register.  However, after the election, a final copy of this information will be sent that includes the voter names and addresses.  
Current Law:
 Current law requires that a voter’s absentee voting status in an election currently underway be provided to a candidate, political party or election-related organization that requests it.