Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Candy Spence Ezzell


Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 House Bill 153 (HB 153) appropriates three hundred fifty million dollars ($350,000,000) to the Department of Transportation for infrastructure projects on a certain portion of US Highway 380.  
Legislation Overview:
 House Bill 153 (HB 153) appropriates three hundred fifty million dollars ($350,000,000) from the General Fund (GF) to the Department of Transportation for expenditure in Fiscal Years (FY) 2024 through 2027 for all stages of this road improvement project and to match federal and other state funds for infrastructure projects on US Highway 380 from milepost 158 in Chaves County to the Texas state line. 

Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY 2027 reverts to the GF. 
Current Law:
 It would add alternating passing lanes, enhance safety and improve pavement quality on an 84-mile stretch of U.S. 380 that runs from milepost 158 east of Roswell to the state line with Texas. It is a heavily trafficked interstate road. 
Relates To:
  HB 153 relates to SB 104.