Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Pamelya Herndon

Actions: HPREF [2] not prntd-HRC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 House Bill 40 (HB 40) creates an intrastate airline task force, providing duties, requiring a final report, and making an appropriation. 
Legislation Overview:
 House Bill 40 (HB 40) establishes an intrastate airline task force charged with studying and providing recommendations on the establishment of an intrastate airline transportation to provide regular and consistent flights between selected New Mexico cities. The study is to include factors of projected demand, flight schedules to meet demand, profitability of an airline to service the flights, airline ownership options, infrastructure needs, and costs, revenues and benefits. Findings are to be reported by December 1, 2024 to the legislative finance committee, the interim committee that studies transportation, and any other appropriate interim committees. Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) is appropriated from the general fund to the economic development department for the task force. 
Current Law:
 There are currently limited regular/consistent flights between selected New Mexico cities.  If the bill does not pass, the information needed to be able to address this issue will have to be collected by other means. 
Relates To:
 Senate Bill 201 (SB 201) - Transportation Regulations
House Bill 42 (HB 42) - Transportation Trust Fund
House Bill 41 (HB 41) - Clean Transportation Fuel Standards
House Bill 146 (HB 146) - Transportation Trust Fund