Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Elizabeth "Liz" Thomson

Actions: HPREF [2] not prntd-HRC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

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 House Bill 99 (HB 99) eliminates racinos from smoking-permitted areas allowed in the Dee Johnson Clean Indoor Air Act  
Legislation Overview:
 House Bill (HB) House Bill 99 (HB 99) eliminates racinos from smoking-permitted areas allowed in Section 24-16-12 NMSA 1978 of the Dee Johnson Clean Indoor Air Act.  There are eleven types of places that allow smoking under the act. Within the bill, racinos are identified as a racetrack licensed by the State Racing Commission with a gaming operator’s license issued by the Gaming Control Board. It makes technical changes. 
Current Law:
 Enacted in June 2007, the Dee Johnson Clean Indoor Air Act implemented a comprehensive policy that prohibits smoking in most public places and workplaces in New Mexico. It also requires the creation of smoke-free areas near entrances, windows, and ventilation systems of these same public places and workplaces.