Scheduled: Not Scheduled
House Bill 92 (HB 92) appropriates ten million dollars ($10,000,000) to the Department of Environment (NMED) to plan, design and construct projects to improve river, stream and wetland habitat and surface water quality.Legislation Overview:
House Bill 92 (HB 92) appropriates ten million dollars ($10,000,000) from the General Fund (GF) to the Department of Environment (NMED) for expenditure for Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 to plan, design and construct projects to improve river, stream and wetland habitat and surface water quality. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY 2026 reverts to the GF.Current Law:
The NMED is responsible for overseeing water infrastructure systems and water quality issues throughout the state. It has many programs that focus on protecting the quality of our waters and assuring safe and effective infrastructure for delivering clean water to our communities. The NMED coordinates much of its work with federal agencies, other state agencies, local governments, and citizen groups. NOTE: The Office of State Engineer administers the state’s water resources in terms of water quantity, appropriation, and distribution of surface and ground waters.
2/5/25 The House Agriculture, Acequias and Water Resources Committee amended HB 92 (HB 92A HAAWC) by clarifying that the appropriation is for the NMED’s Reiver Stewardship Program. It extends the time for the use of the appropriation through FY 2026 to from FY 2026 through FY 2029.