Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Cynthia D Borrego

Actions: HPREF [2] not prntd-HRC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 House Bill 89 (HB 89) This legislation ensures that places providing public accommodation make closed captioning available on television receivers during regular hours and providing a mechanism for enforcement and penalties for non-compliance. The Attorney General’s role is key to enforcing the provisions of the act. 
Legislation Overview:
 House Bill 89 (HB 89) Section 1: The act is titled the "Closed Captioning Act."  Section 2: Defines key terms used in the act, including "closed captioning," "place of public accommodation," "public area," "regular hours," "television program," and "television receiver."  Section 3: Closed Captioning in Places of Public Accommodation - Mandates that owners or managers of places of public accommodation activate closed captioning on all television receivers during regular hours, with certain exceptions (technological limitations, exemptions under federal law, and specific conditions when multiple television receivers are displaying the same program).   Section 4: Civil Penalties - Empowers the Attorney General to enforce the act and adopt rules for the protection of people with hearing disabilities.  Establishes a complaint process for individuals to file complaints against places of public accommodation violating the act.  This act requires investigations by the Attorney General for each complaint and authorizes the Attorney General to bring legal actions against places of public accommodation in violation of the act.  Specifies civil penalties for violations, with the amount not exceeding $250 for the first violation and $500 for each subsequent violation.