Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep John Block

Actions: HPREF [2] not prntd-HRC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 House Bill 78 (HB 78) relates to firearms and allows for the permitless carry of firearms by adults and repeals sections of law that forbid the carrying of a firearm.    
Legislation Overview:
 House Bill 78 (HB 78) enacts a new section of the criminal code to allow for the permitless carry of a firearm by adults.  It allows a person over 18 to carry a loaded firearm on their person, either concealed or open, loaded or unloaded.  However, that adult must not be banned from possessing a firearm by a federal or state law or a court order.  

The bill then amends Section 30-7-1, 30-7-2 and 30-7-13 NMSA 1978 by clarifying that the crime of carrying of a deadly weapon does not include carrying of a firearm.  Thus, the crime of unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon is committed by carrying a deadly weapon, but not a firearm. 

HB 78 repeals Section 30-7-2.2 through 30-7-3 (unlawful possession of a handgun, seizure and forfeiture of a handgun, unlawful carrying of a firearm on university premises; unlawful carrying of a firearm in liquor establishments). 
Current Law:
 Currently, a person must have a permit to carry a firearm. Currently, the crime of carrying a deadly weapon includes carrying of a firearm.